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Key Elements Of Your Author’s Biography
Each time you read something interesting you probably look at the author’s name. The same rule applies to your readers. As an author, you can benefit from providing the general reading public with the opportunity to know more about you and your work.
The author biography is where you tell people about yourself and build trust and authority. In a impersonal medium like the Internet, a well-crafted biography must show integrity and effectively develop a rapport with readers. A great bio creates a perfect balance between personal information and achievements to build familiarity.
I’ve always had an abundance of material about the subjects of my biographies. – Walter Isaacson
Sincerity is key to delivering a more human approach that is worthy of loyal readers. If you have professional credentials or big achievements, blend in that info in a way that will not come across as egocentric or pompous. Having an author website will give you the opportunity to expand on that information more extensively in a separate section.
Talking about how life experiences are related to your writing will add an extra level of consistency to your work and, by extension, to your books. Include your photo or provide readers with a picture that could be associated to your name and your style.
Online readers are used to interactivity so they are more willing to connect with authors, provide feedback, ask questions, and leave comments. So, be sure to provide your contact information and a link to your website where they can share thoughts and ideas.
Your author bio is a great tool to make your readers interested in your next book even before you complete the final draft, providing them with the tools and opportunities to help you make a living doing what you love.

Tips To Enhance The Publishing Process
Getting your book published will require extra research if you want to enjoy the ride. Think ahead and map out all your steps to fully enhance the publishing process
If you are an author looking to get your fictional content printed on paper, you need to find the right publisher. When looking for a publisher, you need to be careful to avoid being victim of scams and lack of integrity, which could lead to your book never getting published. Fortunately, there are many publishers that value your work and will help you make a living by writing.
If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.-Alan K. Simpson
When accessing different publishing services you need to consider two main factors: their efforts to protect your job from copyright infringements and the way they manage the costs of printing your book. As a rule of thumb, never pay a publisher to print your book.
Since many publishers will keep a percentage of the revenues, you don’t need to spend any money to get published. Your publisher will be your partner and, if you find the right one, that relationship will last. Look for somebody with integrity that could help you with your material and your money.
Trust must be built day by day. It calls for consistency.- John C. Maxwell
Some publishers might offer you with an advance payment. This is a good option when you have just a great idea or your book is not finished yet. If your idea could be turned into a complete series of fictional books, you could be offered a package deal. In any case, an upfront flat fee will give you not only sense of self-worth even before completion of the project, but it will also help you better organize your work and even hire some help. If this is your case, be sure to translate your vision into a well-constructed pitch and show consistency in your workflow. Provide publishers with a submission calendar as guarantee that you will be delivering quality content to fit deadlines and ensure readers’ satisfaction.
Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue – Confucius
Whether you go with a flat fee or a percentage of the sales, sincerity is key, so be sure to talk about money and write the terms in a clear way. Unless you decide to self-publish you book, take the time to find the right partners so your readers can be delighted with your fictional stories.